
Ecclesiology and International Relations, Distance Education

Eastern Christianity usually understands the Church as a mystery, where no designation or name could properly express the whole reality of the Church, known only to God. Human language is believed to be insufficient to express this mystery. Yet, this mystery is the departure point for how various Christian communities relate to each other, and how they together seek to express their common participation in this mystery. It also seems to be compatible with political developments in international sphere. The course will explore how the Church as a theological entity influences and gets influenced by the international relations and ecumenism, both in the past and the present.

Efter kursen förväntas studenten:

  • demonstrate an in-depth understanding of how the Ecumenical Movement, Society and Christianity affected each other in the twentieth century;
  • display advanced insight in how various Christian communities participated, interacted and was shaped in the Ecumenical Movement;
  • demonstrate the capability of analyzing themes that surfaced in the Ecumenical Movement debates and represent them accurately;
  • reflect critically on the conditions of ecumenism

Bender, Kimlyn J. (2013). Karl Barth’s Christological Ecclesiology. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade books.

Druzhinina, Olga A. (2016). The Ecclesiology of St. Basil the Great. A Trinitarian Approach to the Life of the Church. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications (180 pp.).

Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti (2002). An Introduction to Ecclesiology. Ecumenical, Historical & Global Perspective. Madison, WI: Inter Varsity Press (233 pp.).

Lennan, Richard (1997). The Ecclesiology of Karl Rahner. Clarendon Press (289 pp.).

Mannion, Gerhard (2007). Postmodernity. Questions for the Church in Our Time. Liturgical Press: Collegeville, Minnesota.

Snyder, Jack (2011). Religion and International Relations Theory. New York: Columbia University Press (210 pp.).

Schemat finns tillgängligt senast en månad innan kursen startar. Vi rekommenderar inte att du skriver ut schemat eftersom vissa ändringar kan ske.

Öppna schemat


A = Framstående, B = Mycket bra, C = Bra, D = Tillfredsställande, E = Tillräcklig, Fx = Otillräcklig, komplettering möjlig, F = Otillräcklig


  • Hemtentamen
  • PM
  • Seminarier

Godkända kurser för en kandidatexamen i teologi/religionsvetenskap, 180 hp, där minst 150 hp utgörs av teologi/religionsvetenskap eller motsvarande. Dessutom kunskaper i engelska motsvarande kraven för grundläggande behörighet.

Completion of a course requires a minimum of 80% attendance at lectures and 100% attendance at seminars/group work and other assignments. Absence beyond that can be compensated by supplementing assignment(s) if the instructor finds it possible. In case of an absence of 50% or more, the course is considered as interrupted, even if assignments have been completed.

If a student due to disability has a decision from the EHS on special pedagogical support, the examiner shall, if necessary, adapt the examination and conduct the examination in an alternative way.

Fastställd av Ämnesföreträdarkollegiet vid Enskilda Högskolan Stockholm den 18 december 2019.